Day four

Sorry about not posting last night. It was a day of ups and down, and by 9pm, I was ready for bed. Chance made some big steps to recovery yesterday. He had his first post-op bm yestereday. Actually, he had two. He is also trying to run while on his leash. He is walking around our block without getting too tired and I think he would go longer, but I am worried about trying to do to much to soon.

It is getting harder to get him to take his meds, even when wrapping them in cheese. All in all, He is making an amazing recovery. They sure heal and are mobile alot faster than us.

I will try to write more tonight.

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4 Responses to Day four

  1. Ted E. Bear says:

    This is Ted speaking, woof, I like to take my medicine in peanut butter. Mom always sticks the pill in a bunch of creamy peanut butter and I gobble it right down. I hope this help Chance buddy.


  2. maximutt says:

    We had the same problem with Max with the medicines. They figure out our tricks pretty quickly! One thing that was mentioned on the forums that worked for us was braunschweiger. It’s sold in most chain grocery stores. I think it’s some liverwurst mixture or something. It’s totally gross, but Max loved it. So, you might want to get some and switch up the pill hiding, see if it works.

  3. etgayle says:

    the first poop is always cause for celebration. rest is important for chance and for you – medicinal napping aids healing!!

    charon & gayle

  4. admin says:

    No need to apologize at all! Sounds like Chance is doing well, you’ll find lots of tips for getting dogs to take medication in the discussion forums.

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